Efficient warehouse monitoring with LoRaWAN: wireless, flexible and energy-efficient
Monitoring a large warehouse is a practical use case for LoRaWAN. The continuous monitoring of various parameters such as temperature or humidity is crucial to ensure the quality of goods and subsequent production processes.
In this use case, a total of 30 battery-operated LoRaWAN temperature sensors are distributed throughout the warehouse. Wired sensors would not only be uneconomical due to the vast number of cables required, but also unflexible. The wireless sensors do not only offer a simple installation, but also maximum flexibility in terms of optimised positioning. The constant monitoring of battery energy levels enables timely replacements of those during regular maintenance.
The measured sensor values are sent to the locally installed network and application server through a LoRaWAN gateway catching all messages. This centralised server even enables the data to be converted for a seamless integration into existing BUS systems such as BACnet or Modbus.
Expansion flexibility during operation: if required, the LoRaWAN network can be expanded flexibly and without reconfiguring any of the devices. It is easy to add additional gateways. This flexibility also allows for the integration of third-party solutions such as energy meters at any time. The existing LoRaWAN infrastructure can be expanded easily and cost-effectively.
A practical example of a LoRaWAN solution makes the efficient use of resources visible.
- High radio range for covering large areas
- Easy installation and integration of the sensors
- Flexible transfer of monitoring data to existing BMS or cloud applications
- Cost-effective expansion of the existing infrastructure
Products Used
Sensor for measuring temperature, humidity, CO2 and VOC.
Sensor for measuring temperature, humidity, light and motion.
Converter NBnano
Converter for LoRaWAN® data to BACnet IP and Modbus TCP/IP with integrated network and application server. Configuration via web interface.
Outdoor gateway with external antenna and integrated network/application server.